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Host a Hustings

In the run-up to the 2022 local elections, GEP is encouraging people to host a hustings in their ward. A hustings is a great way to get to know your local candidates and ask them about the issues that matter to you.

Local councils make decisions about how money is spent to provide local public services, including education, social care, housing, roads and public transport, the environment, leisure and library services, cultural services and waste management. It is important that Councillors look at these services through an equality lens in order to ensure that what is provided works for everyone. 

Councillors are your elected representatives, so get to know your candidates, share with them the issues that are important to you, and ask them to put gender equality on the agenda!

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A Short Guide

Download our short guide on how to organise your hustings. Follow us on social media to follow our own efforts to host a hustings!


Download file

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Need inspiration?

Read about one local woman's experience organising a hustings with a group of peers from her ward. 


Read Moira's blog

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