Intersectional Gender Equality Fund
‘We will not have equality until those most marginalized among us have equality’ (Human rights Campaign)
We at Gender Equality Perth believe in equality for all and intersectional* feminism, at the same time recognising our privilege and that as a collective we represent limited lived experience of the spectrum of discrimination. To address this limitation, we want to support the fight of those working in the intersectional feminist space towards equality for all. We believe that change comes from solidarity, collectivity and forging new connections, therefore we are offering funding of up to £1000 to local initiatives in Perth and Kinross who are furthering the intersectional gender equality agenda.
*Intersectionality is a term coined by Kimberlé Crenshaw, a black American lawyer, civil rights advocate and scholar, which recognises that everyone’s experiences of discrimination (such as racism, sexism and classism) are unique and are cumulative according to how these forms of discrimination combine.
Fund Details
Eligibility criteria:
This fund is open to charities and organisations with a bank account in the name of the organisation, not to individuals. Individuals can apply in collaboration with an organisation – through whom the funding will be administrated.
The funding must be used for a project or initiative that seeks to further the intersectional gender equality agenda and your application must detail how this will be achieved.
At the end of the project you will provide a short evaluation of your project/initiative to be published on our website and social media and you may be invited to take part in future GEP events.
Your funded activity must be completed within one year of the award date i.e. the date that the funds are transferred.
The fund will be open for applications until Dec 2024. To apply please complete the application form on our website. The board meets quarterly in Jan, Apr, Jul, Oct and will discuss your application at the next meeting following your application submission. You will be notified of the outcome within one week following the board meeting. If you require your application to be considered before the next scheduled meeting, or if you have any further questions please email explaining your reasons for consideration.
Download fund details and application form here:
For more info:
Please do get in touch if you have questions or would like to chat informally about your project idea.