Call for speakers
For International Women’s Day Gender Equality Perth is looking for speakers on the theme #AccelerateAction
For International Women’s Day 2025 Gender Equality Perth is looking for speakers to talk to us about collectively forging a more inclusive world for women.
This year’s International Women’s Day theme is Accelerate Action.
“One of the best ways to forge gender equality is to understand what works and to do more of this, faster.
Accelerate Action is a worldwide call to acknowledge the strategies, resources and activity that positively impact women's advancement, and to support and elevate their implementation.
Significant barriers to gender equality remain, yet with the right action and support, positive progress can be made for women everywhere.”
Speakers are invited to make a proposal on any topic which inspires inclusion, highlights good practice, calls out poor practice and/or takes action to include and treat women equitably. We especially welcome applications from underrepresented communities, particularly those that experience overlapping inequalities.
Topics could include, but are not limited to: challenging women’s experiences of discrimination due to intersecting inequalities such as gender identity, sexuality, age, ethnicity, ability, body size etc…; supporting women in hardship, migrant women, women in STEM, women in sport, women in the arts, gender based violence, etc.
Successful applicants will be invited to GEP’s International Women’s Day event in Perth to give a 10-15 minute talk on their proposed topic and participate in a Q&A discussion. All gender identities are welcome to join us as attendees at this event and it will be in an accessible venue. There is a Speaker’s fee of £50 per speaker and travel and expenses (including childcare costs) will be provided up to a maximum of £50.
Applicants should outline what they want to talk about and why including how it connects to the theme outlined above.
Applications are open to people of any gender identity and we particularly welcome applications from traditionally under-represented groups within the community.
Applicants must be available to attend an event in person on Fri 7th March, 7-9pm in Perth, Scotland.
How to apply
Applicants should complete the application form below with a 150 word proposal of what they would like to talk about and a short biography.
If you have any questions please contact
Applications will be considered by the GEP board.
Deadline for proposals: Fri 31st Jan 2025.
Successful applications will be notified by Sun 9th Feb 2025.
Event details: Fri 7th Mar 2025, 7-9pm, Perth, venue TBC.