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  • Writer's pictureRani Melrose

Women and Food: Recipes for Homesickness

Firstly, can I please take this opportunity to thank WOW for the three years that I have been involved with the WOW Perth Festival. I have thoroughly enjoyed the experience and learnt do much and made so many new friends.

The concept of the homesick recipe book from WOW 2018 was conceived at the WOW 2018 Thinkin day. It was my idea and my fellows at my table concurred with me and loved the idea. The first of its kind for WOW as this was not done before. The idea was to do something really special and different. To have recipes that strike a cord in our hearts all in one place and make it easily accessible to everyone. A homesick recipe could be anything that reminds us of mum, granny or a place when we were away from home.

The homesick recipe station.

I set up table at the WOW Perth Festival over two days with my tin of chocolates as a conversation starter and ice breaker. Offering folks a chocolate I talked about the homesick recipe book. Mostly, folks were very keen and very taken with this idea and loved writing up their nostalgic recipes while we chatted away, thus collecting loads of different recipes, starters, mains, pudding, baking etc.

Every one of them holds a special place in the writers heart. For instance my recipe: THE DURBAN BUNNY CHOW (PS. no actual bunnies are involved) . This is a very bittersweet recipe for me; it reminds me of a time and place when life was perfect, and my late grandparents, and our special trips to the beach and eating this for lunch.

We have now finally been able to collate and add this as an online recipe book. The first of its kind for the WOW Festival. Thanks again for this fabulous opportunity.

Download the Women and Food: Recipes for Homesickness book here:

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